Moving BNB as BEP2 from to Trust Wallet
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In order to swap your crypto assets from BEP2 to BEP20, you first have to transfer your BEP2 assets into a wallet that supports swaps between BEP2 and BEP20. Binance offers two official wallets that support these swaps: Trust Wallet for mobile devices and Binance Chain Wallet for Chrome and Firefox web browsers. This page explains how to withdraw BEP2 assets to Trust Wallet.
After purchasing BNB and BUSD on, go to BNB withdrawal page. Make sure BEP2 is selected as Withdrawal Network.
Next, open Trust Wallet on your phone and click "Receive" on the main screen.
Type BNB in the search box and select BNB
After that you will see a QR code and your BEP2 address. Click "Copy" to copy your BEP2 address to buffer.
Next, you need to send your address to yourself, so you can paste it into your browser on The easiest way is to email it to yourself. Once you have the address, paste it into "recipient's BNB address". Leave Memo field empty, because Trust Wallet does not require the Memo. Enter the amount of BNB you would like to withdraw and click "Submit".
After that, Binance will send you an email to verify your withdrawal. Check your email and click the confirmation link. Once the withdrawal is confirmed, you will see the BNB in your Trust Wallet. The withdrawal may take from 5 seconds to a couple of minutes depending on how busy the network is.